Ever Ready: Always Faithful
Mount Zion Baptist is all about connection and care. We are a thriving community centered on loving, knowing, and supporting one another. Our mission is compassion, not condemnation; valuing people, not labels. You’ll often hear us say, “Faith is more than just religion.”

Welcome to Mt Zion Church
The local church is the foreign embassy of the kingdom of God. This means that as God’s people, we are sometimes going to be called on to wade into the middle of the conflict to rescue the broken and the lost. Jesus left the 99 and went to find the one, not because he did not care for the 99, but because it was the one who was in danger.
The Bible teaches us that the Holy Spirit resides within every child of God. The membership of Mount Zion is the body of Christ in this place and as such they are entrusted to be the final authority in all church matters.
Three things:
First, we believe the pastor is a shepherd, bishop, and elder. The pastor’s calling is to feed, lead, and protect God’s flock, not to dictate or rule over God’s house.
Second, we are passionate about keeping out conflict, drama, judgmentalism, and contention. Our motto is: “In essentials agreement, in non-essentials liberty, in all things love.”
Third, both juice and wine are offered in communion. Wine, because that has been the practice of the church for 2000 years, and juice for those who have a conviction against the use of wine. All are encouraged to be true to their conscience and choose accordingly. No one should judge the choices of another. (See previous paragraph.)